CS60045 Artificial Intelligence Autumn 2022, L-T-P: 3-0-0


Instructors     Prof. Pallab Dasgupta
Prof. Partha Pratim Chakrabarti
Timing     WED (10:00 AM – 10:55 AM), THU (9:00 AM –9:55 AM), FRI (11:00 AM –11:55 PM)
Venue     Room No: NR-421, Nalanda Academic Complex
Team Code     732ru1m
Teaching Assistants     1. Briti Gangopadhyay (briti_gangopadhyay@iitkgp.ac.in),
2. Sumanta Dey (sumanta.dey@iitkgp.ac.in),
3. Ajinkya Waghmare (waghmareaju1216@gmail.com),
4. Somesh Kishor Kharat (somesh3199@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in),
5. Debjyoti Das Adhikari (debjyoti.das.adhikary@gmail.com)
6. Aayush Prasad (aayuprasad@iitkgp.ac.in)
7. Maj Rakshit Sharma
8. Naincy Vimal (naincyvimal2109@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in)


1. Marks distribution:
  • Class Test: 10%
  • Mid Sem: 30%
  • Project: 15%
  • End Sem: 40%
  • Attendance: 5%
2. Class Test 1 on 2nd September at 11:00 AM - 12:55 PM


Introduction     Course Introduction, Motivation.     [1 hour]    
Problem solving by search     State Space, Problem Reduction, Game Playing, Constraint Satisfaction.     [7 hours]    
Automated Reasoning     Proposition and first order logic, inference and deduction, resolution refutation, answer extraction, knowledge based systems, logic programming and constrained logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning.     [6 hours]    
Planning     State-space, plan space and partial order planning, planning algorithms.     [4 hours]    
Reasoning under uncertainty     Probabilistic reasoning, belief networks     [5 hours]    
Learning     Inductive learning, decision trees, logical approaches, computational learning theory, neural networks, reinforcement learning, Intelligent agents, natural language understanding, Applications.     [8 hours]    

Books and References

[1]     Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial intelligence : A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, Fourth edition, 2020.
[2]     Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1998.
[3]     Judea Pearl, Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1984.
[4]     Biere, A., Heule, M., Van Maaren, H., Walsh, T., Handbook of Satisfiability, IOS Press, 2009.

Classes Material

Week Topic Chapter PDF Annotated PDF Video Link Tutorial
Week 1 Introduction Introduction Link - Link -
Automated Problem Solving Automated Problem Solving Link Link Link -
State Space Search Link Link Link -
Week 2 Heuristic Search Link Link Link -
Heuristic Search
Game Trees Link Link Link -
Week 3 Game Trees
Holiday 1 - - - -
Holiday 2 - - - -
Week 4 Local Search Link - Link -
Propositional Logic Propositional Logic Link Link Link -
Propositional Logic to Predicate Logic Link Link Link -
Week 5 Predicate Logic Fundamentals Link Link Link -
Resolution Refutation Link Link Link -
Class Test 1 - - - -
Week 6 Propositional Logic Resolution Refutation Link Link Link -
Constraint Satisfaction Problems Link Link Link -
Planning in AI Planning in AI Part 1 Link Link Link -
Week 7 Planning in AI Part 2 Link Link Link -
Planning in AI Part 3 Link Link Link -
Tutorials - - - Questions
Week 8 Reasoning Under Uncertainty Part 1 Link Link Link -
Part 2 Link Link -
Tutorial (CSP, Bayes Net, Graph Plan) Link - Answers
Week 9 Machine Learning Machine Learning Fundamentals Link - Link -
Learning Decision Trees Link - Link -
Week 10 Neural Networks Link - Link -
Deep Learning Fundamentals Link - Link -
Week 10 Reinforcement Learning Fundamentals Link - Link -

Previous course pages: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018

 CS60045 Artificial Intelligence Autumn 2022, L-T-P: 3-0-0